How to Use a Self-Test
Before You Test
- Store your test according to the manufacturer's instructions until you are ready to use it.
- Check that your home test has not expired and is not damaged.
- Keep the test directions handy so you can follow them.
- You may need a smartphone to perform some tests and access your results.
Read the complete manufacturer’s instructions before using a test. Instructions shown here are general and may differ from those for your specific test.
- Wash your hands before and after testing.
- You will collect a sample from your nose and test that sample.
- Your test result may be incorrect if you don't follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Get instructions for specific tests
What Comes in Your Test Kit
Tests kits vary based on the manufacturer. Most kits contain two tests.
Each test has three items:
- Tube with liquid
- Collection swab
- Test strip, card or cassette
Place these items on a clean surface to begin.
This video from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains the basics of how to get a self-test, perform the test, and dispose of the test.
Watch Video in More Languages: Español [04:02] | ASL [03:25]
Get a Sample from Your Nose
Step 1
Remove the swab from the package. Do not touch the soft end.Step 2
Insert the entire soft end into one of your nostrils, no more than 3/4 of an inch.Step 3
Slowly rotate the swab. Gently press against the inside of your nose at least four times for a total of 15 seconds.Step 4
Gently remove the swab.Step 5
Using the same swab, repeat steps 2-4 in your other nostril. -
Test Your Sample
These general instructions may differ from the manufacturer's instructions for your specific test. For example, some tests require you stir your swab up to 15 times.
Read the complete manufacturer’s instructions before using a test.
- Insert your swab into the tube. Stir at least five times.
- Squeeze the tube's sides against the swab as you remove it. Return the cap.
- Tap the tube to mix your sample.
- Squeeze three drops from the tube onto the test strip.
- Set a timer based on your test's instructions.
Read Your Results
If you do not see a red-colored line in the control area ("C") of the test, the result is invalid. Please discard the test and try again with a new test. If you continue to have invalid results or need help, contact the test manufacturer or a health care provider.
If you see a red-colored line in the control area ("C"), your test worked correctly:
If you do not see a red-colored line in the test line ("T"), your test result is negative.
A negative result does not rule out COVID-19. Test again later if needed.
If you see a red-colored line in the test line ("T"), your test result is positive.
Even a faint line next to the "T" means your test is positive.
Still need help?
Watch Video: How To Interpret Self-Test Results [04:15]
More Languages: Español [05:17]
ASL: How To Interpret Positive Results [02:37] | How To Interpret Negative Results [03:00]