One in six North Carolinians has experienced Long COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control. People with Long COVID have symptoms for four weeks or more, and they can last for months or years. Even people who did not have severe symptoms at first can develop Long COVID.
Long COVID is a real and serious condition and can result in a disability recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It takes many different forms, and it is not one illness. We are still learning how to treat it.
The CDC has more detailed information about Long COVID (or "Post-COVID Conditions"), including a list of possible symptoms. If you think you or a loved one might have Long COVID, there are things you can do — see below.
"There are a million different symptoms [of Long COVID], just like there are a million different symptoms you can have when you actually have COVID the first time."
- Dr. Shauna L. Guthrie, Medical Director, Granville Vance Public Health
If You Think You Might Have Long COVID
Talk to a health care provider.
Many symptoms can be made better with treatment.
If you can, visit a specialist.
Some North Carolina health care providers specialize in helping people with Long COVID and publish resources about living with the condition. One provider is the UNC COVID Recovery Clinic in Chapel Hill.
Consider joining a medical study.
UNC is recruiting adults with COVID-19 for a medical study to learn more about the disease. If you participate, you would answer a series of online surveys about your symptoms, and earn $105. Learn more and sign up to participate.
If You Are Educating Others About Long COVID
These resources may be helpful for healthcare providers, community leaders, and others helping North Carolinians understand long COVID: